An Act of Parliament to amend the National Transport and Safety Authority Act, 2012.


Clause 2

Amendment of section 4 of No. 33 of 2012

Section 4 of the National Transport and Safety Authority Act, 2012 (“the principal Act”) is amended in sub-section (2) by:

(a)inserting the following new sub-paragraphs immediately after sub-paragraph (a):

“(aa) regulation of two and three wheeled public motorcycle taxis;

(ab) establish systems and procedures for the regional registration and licensing of two and three wheeled public motorcycle taxis;

(ac) establish systems and procedures for the regional registration and licensing of drivers of two and three wheeled public motorcycle taxis by county governments in consultation with the National Transport and Safety Authority (“NTSA”);

(ad)issue public service vehicle badges to drivers of two and three wheeled public motorcycle taxis; and

(ae)regulate two and three wheeled public service motorcycle taxi.”

Sup-paragraph (aa) is a good proposal for the following reasons:

a. Safety- It allows NTSA to establish safety standards, including proper inspections, proper maintenance, and adherence to traffic rules. This helps reduce the risk of accidents and injuries;
b. Fair competition- By establishing specific requirements and standards, NTSA prevents unauthorized individuals from entering the public transportation market i.e., this ensures that all operators operate on a level playing field and follow the same rules;
c. Urban planning- By incorporating public motorcycle taxis into the transportation planning process, NTSA can assess the demand, allocate resources, and seamlessly integrate them into the existing transportation infrastructure; and
d. Revenue generation for the government- For example, licensing fees or other charges imposed on two and three wheeled public motorcycle taxis.

For sub-paragraphs (ab) and (ac), we propose that NTSA updates the system on a regular basis.

Regular updates include security patches and bug fixes which prevent information and data from being accessed by unauthorized persons.

Secondly, regularly updating the system improves speed, efficiency, and overall performance. This leads to a better user experience and faster response times.

For sub-paragraph (ac), regional registration enables NTSA to establish criteria and qualifications for drivers of two and three wheeled public motorcycle taxis.

By regulating the qualifications of drivers, NTSA ensures that only competent and responsible people operate as drivers of two and three wheeled public motorcycle taxis.

For sub-paragraph (ad), public service badges are issued for the following reasons:

a. It enables NTSA to effectively monitor and control public transportation. This allows authorized vehicles to comply with relevant regulations such as safety standards and licensing requirements; and
b. Public service vehicle badges provide a uniform means of identifying authorized vehicles i.e., this helps distinguish public vehicles from private ones.

We propose the deletion of sub-paragraph (ae) as it’s a repetition of sub-paragraph (aa).